
  • 天文科普
  • 2025年01月28日
  • 微波炉的危险之谜:10样东西绝不能让它碰触 在最近一段时间里,一段视频在网上疯狂传播,显示了两颗葡萄被放入微波炉后产生的电弧,这不仅震惊了公众,也引发了一系列关于微波炉安全使用的问题。记得有一次,我试图用微波炉加热汉堡,但结果却看到我的汉堡在微波炉里自燃,这个经历让我深刻体会到了心理阴影。 事实上,许多人对微波炉的依赖使他们忽视了这个厨房设备潜藏的“暴脾气”。例如,湖北武汉的一位朱先生








鸡蛋 - 微rowave cooking eggs can be dangerous because the heat from the inside of the egg can cause it to explode.

金属餐具 - Micro-waves can cause metal to spark and catch fire, which is why you should never use metal utensils in a microwave oven.

锡纸 - Any kind of metal, including aluminum foil, should not be used in a microwave oven as it can cause sparks and fires.

纸袋 - Paper bags are also flammable and should not be heated in a microwave oven.

牛奶盒 - Most milk cartons are made of paper or plastic with an inner layer of aluminum foil, which makes them unsuitable for heating in a microwave oven.

塑料容器 - Most plastics cannot be heated in a microwave oven unless they have been specifically designed for that purpose.

水果(某些)- Some fruits like grapes, blueberries, and pomegranate seeds contain salts that when exposed to microwaves create powerful electrical fields that can ignite nearby materials.

辣椒 - While heating chili peppers won't harm them directly, opening the door while they're still hot will release irritating chemicals into the air that could irritate your eyes or throat if breathed too deeply.

9、液体- When heating liquids in a micro-wave, water may appear cold but actually reach boiling point rapidly upon exposure to air when opened.

10、什么也不放- Letting your micro-wave run without any food inside may result in unexpected problems such as overheating or even explosion due to un-absorbed microwaves causing self-combustion within its magnetic valve (the main component of most ovens).

In conclusion while these safety tips might seem daunting at first glance remember there's no need to fear using your micro-wave if you follow simple guidelines on what foods are safe for reheating or cooking within this device! There's more than one way out there—try some creative tricks below:


① Peel garlic before adding salt by placing garlic cloves on plate; heat at high until soft then peel easily off skin

② Boil potatoes first before peeling

③ Draw cross-hatch marks on tomato bottom; heat for few seconds then peel easily


Baked goods & dried fruits lose moisture & become stale after being stored damply


Use wet cloth wipe down surfaces where odors linger; add baking soda later rinse clean


Wet cutting board brush with soap & put it back into moistened state remove excess water dry with towel let sit minutes turn over flip over repeat process wash clean finish

Lastly maintain cleanliness: Wipe down surfaces after use store items away neatly keep kitchen tidy avoid messes stay organized
