
  • 综合资讯
  • 2024年09月04日
  • 武汉理工大学教授麦立强讲述纳米线储能材料与器件 直播时间:2024年5月31日(周五)20:00-21:30 直播平台: 科学网APP https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321325040068632117510 (科学网微博直播间链接) 科学网微博 科学网视频号 北京时间2024年5月31日晚八点,iCANX Talks



直播时间:2024年5月31日(周五)20:00-21:30 直播平台: 科学网APP https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321325040068632117510 (科学网微博直播间链接) 科学网微博 科学网视频号 北京时间2024年5月31日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第188期邀请到了武汉理工大学Liqiang Mai教授进行分享!此外,电子科技大学Xiaosheng Zhang,清华大学 Xiaonan Wang,北京大学Jinhu Dou等教授担任嘉宾,北京大学Haixia Zhang教授担任主持人。 这将是一场汇聚顶尖学者的盛会,共同探讨前沿科技与学术挑战!更多精彩,敬请期待! 【嘉宾介绍】 Liqiang Mai 武汉理工大学 Nanowire Energy Storage Materials and Devices 【Abstract】 New energy science and technology is a key direction and international frontier in materials science, energy science, and interdisciplinary science. In this talk, Prof. Mai will cover three areas: (1) A universal new model for in-situ characterization of electron/ion transport in single nanowire devices has been created. (2) A Mai Yan field effect energy storage theory for regulating the kinetics of electrochemical reactions was proposed, which includes the dual continuous transport of electrons/ions. The innovative achievement of achieving zero carbon efficient synthesis of acetic acid through external pressure field regulation based on field effect regulation has been published in Nature, breaking existing records. (3) A series of electronic/ion dual continuous structure energy storage materials and a self temperature controlled high safety battery that does not smoke or catch fire will be discussed. 新能源科学与技术是材料科学、能源科学和交叉科学的重点方向与国际前沿。麦立强教授在以下三个方面取得了重要进展:1.创建了单根纳米线器件电子/离子输运原位表征的普适新模型,构筑了国际上第一个单根纳米线电化学储能器件2.提出了调控电化学反应动力学的“麦-晏”场效应储能等电子/离子双连续输运理论,基于场效应调控思想在Nature发表外压力场调控实现乙酸“零碳”高效合成创新成果3.突破了电子/离子双连续输运储能材料与器件的批量化制备技术。提出了梯度静电纺丝和自组装-取向搭接等方法,普适可控制备出系列电子/离子双连续结构储能材料。 【BIOGRAPHY】 Mai Liqiang, Chief Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice President of Wuhan University of Technology, National Distinguished Young Scientist (2014), Changjiang Scholar (2016), Leading Talent of the Ten Thousand Talents Plan (2016), Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2018), Fellow of the Chinese Micron and Nanotechnology Society (2022), and Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society (2023). He has published over 610 SCI papers in journals such as Nature, Science, etc, 56000 citations. He has won the National Natural Science 2nd Prize, the He Liang He Li Foundation SciTechn. Innovation Award, the International Electrochemical Energy SciTechn.Conference Excellent Research Award, the International Association of Automotive Lithium Batteries Excellent Research Award, the National Teaching Achievement 2nd Prize, the Ministry of Education/Hubei Province Natural Science 1st Prize, and the China Society for Materials Research Technology Invention 1st Prize. He has been selected as a globally highly cited scientist by Korui Weian for 5 consecutive years. 麦立强,武汉理工大学首席教授、博导、副校长,国家重点研发计划首席科学家,英国皇家化学会会士(2018),中国微米纳米技术学会会士(2022),中国化学会会士(2023)。材料化学与功能材料领域知名专家,在Nature、Science等刊物发表SCI论文610余篇,SCI总他引5.6万余次,撰写中文专著2部、英文专著2部、英文专著章节2部。获授权国家发明专利148项,其中28项专利与华为等31家企业进行产学研成果转化与应用。主持国家重大科研仪器专项等国家级项目30余项。以第一完获国家自然科学二等奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术创新奖、国际电化学能源科学与技术大会卓越研究奖(每年仅2人)、国际车用锂电池协会卓越研究奖、国家教学成果二等奖、教育部/湖北省自然科学一等奖(3项)和中国材料研究学会技术发明一等奖,连续五年入选科睿唯安全球高被引科学家。