
  • 学术交流
  • 2025年03月15日
  • 最近我发现自己家附近有一个小型的塑料制品店,他们 sells all sorts of PE pipes. I've been looking for a place to buy some, but I haven't found one yet. So, I decided to ask the owner if he knows where I can find one.


最近我发现自己家附近有一个小型的塑料制品店,他们 sells all sorts of PE pipes. I've been looking for a place to buy some, but I haven't found one yet. So, I decided to ask the owner if he knows where I can find one.

"Excuse me," I said with a smile, "I'm looking for a place that sells PE pipes nearby. Do you know where there is one?"

The owner looked at me and nodded his head slowly. "Ah, yes," he said in a deep voice, "there is a shop not far from here that sells them."

I thanked him and asked if he could give me directions to the shop. He gave me detailed instructions on how to get there.

So, if you're ever in my neighborhood and need some PE pipes or any other kind of plastic material for your projects or whatever reason you may have them for then just go check out this small store near my house!
