
  • 学术交流
  • 2024年12月10日
  • 四平市东方换热设备制造厂:铸铁板式换热器,守护家园温暖的灵魂 在这个冬天,四平市东方换热设备制造厂的员工们都显得格外自豪。他们知道,他们每一份辛勤的工作,每一件精良的产品,都在为人们提供温暖,为家庭守护着春风。 这家国企,以其坚实的基础和深厚的文化,为铸铁板式换热器配件做出了巨大的贡献。这里有着上百年的历史,可以说是中国传统工艺与现代技术相结合的一个典范。在这里






核心经营理念——诚信为本、精益求精—is the soul of this company. It's not just a slogan, but a promise to every customer and partner. From the selection of raw materials to the final product inspection, every step is strictly controlled by our team.

Our copper-brass alloy plate heat exchangers are made from high-quality materials and undergo rigorous testing before they leave the factory. We understand that quality is not just about meeting standards, but also about exceeding them.

As we look back on our journey, we can see that it has been a long road paved with hard work and dedication. But we know that there is still much more to be done. We will continue to innovate and improve, always keeping in mind our mission: to provide reliable and efficient heating solutions for families across China.

So next time you feel the warmth of your home or office space, remember that it's not just the heater doing its job; it's also the people behind it who have worked tirelessly to make sure you stay comfortable all year round.

At East Heat Exchanger Factory Co., Ltd., we're proud of what we do because we know how important it is for everyone around us. Our products may be simple tools in many ways, but they represent so much more than their face value – they represent warmth, comfort, security & peace-of-mind for generations yet unknown!
