承重-wall是指支撑楼房上部楼层重量,并将重量传递到下一层的wall-body。承重-wall不仅关系着自家房屋的稳定性,还关系到整栋楼体的安全。因此,在装修工程中,承重-wall基本是不能碰的。如果一定要进行拆改,就必须由原设计单位或者与原设计单位具有相同资质的设计单位给出修改、加固设计方案,方可对承重大-walls进行 拢改。
很多人知道承重大-walls 的重要性,而对非-acceptance wall则认为可以随意变更的事实上,不是所有non-load bearing walls都可以随意变更。
1、何为non-load bearing walls?
由钢筋混凝土构成的地基框架组成的一种房屋内,楼板由横直阵支撑,由柱支撑,由地基支撑,上面通常有空心砖或普通砖块充塞,这种walled-general多数用空心砖或普通砖块充塞。这类walled-general通常称为non-load bearing walls相对于load-bearing walled-generals来说,这类walled-generals是不起主要作用。但它还是非常重要,它需要支持两部分载荷,一部分是自己的自 重;另一部分从结构上讲,是抗震壁这个角色,所以如果发生地震,这些非-acceptance waileds将和load-bearing waileds一起接受地震力。所以,即使它们不起主要作用,也很关键。
完全作为隔walls-of-light body-of-separation-and-space-between-the-two-different-things-only-for-purpose-of-separating-the-two-things-but-not-to-carry-any-pressure-or-weight。
Part2:空间隔断更彻底 新建lightweight wall选择
空间隔断材料较多,不过如果想要让房间间更加透明,更好的使用功能,则应该选择新建lightweight wall。而且,如果你打算选用新的material,要确保它们不会超越building-code规定。
二、新建lightweight wall避免超负荷
因为building-code要求newly-built structures must be light enough to not put too much stress on the foundation and other structural elements.
三、新build lightweight wall常用material介绍
house design new build lightweight walls usually use light bricks or plasterboard. Light bricks are made of a combination of cement, sand, and water that is mixed together and then poured into molds. The mixture hardens over time to form a strong and durable material that can be used for building houses. Plasterboard is made from gypsum plaster sandwiched between two layers of paper. It is lightweight, fire-resistant, and easy to install.
Part3:确保newly-built wall quality do good construction details
In the construction process of newly built lightweight walls, it's important to pay attention to different materials' specific requirements.
One: Three kinds of separation-and-space-between-the-two-different-things constructions
1., Lightweight brick separation-and-space-between-the-two-different-things construction:
The most common way to construct a new house in China is using hollow blocks (also known as aircrete blocks) which are made by mixing cement with water in a mold until they become firm before removing them from the mold. This process creates holes inside each block providing insulation against heat transfer while maintaining their strength.
2., Steel frame separation-and-space-between-the-two-different-things construction:
Steel frames are commonly used in modern architecture because they provide great flexibility during earthquakes or other natural disasters due to their ability to bend under pressure without collapsing completely unlike concrete buildings where every part has an equal amount load distribution across all parts but if one piece fails then others will also collapse making steel more reliable than concrete when it comes down safety reasons alone let alone aesthetics!
3., Gypsum board partitioning:
Gypsum board partitions are created by attaching multiple sheets of gypsum board onto metal studs installed vertically within stud spacing 16 inches apart at floor joist level so these boards would be held securely together through nails driven into both sides after drilling appropriate hole size first then screwing them tightly into place afterward ensuring proper adhesion hence preventing any cracking issues occurring during installation especially since this type was chosen specifically because its ease makes up for lack compared traditional methods involving dry lining systems like wood panels or plastic sheeting etcetera..