操作步骤如下:在出厂时,请勿动调压阀。进 气表1显示备用瓶(压力),进 气表2显示主供瓶(压力),出 气调压阀3(调整至需工作的高低)。管路按图示连接到主供气 bottles and backup cylinders' low-pressure outlets, with the gauge of backup cylinder set to 0.8 Mpa.
关闭(outlet valve), adjust main supply cylinder (gauge 1) to a pressure greater than the required working pressure for the using equipment (see gauge 1), then adjust backup cylinder (gauge 2) to a pressure greater than the required working pressure for the using equipment (see gauge 2). Gradually adjust outlet valve until it reaches the required working pressure.
When main supply cylinder's pressure is lower than backup cylinder's, it will automatically switch to use backup cylinder as gas source during which time change main supply cylinder; alternatively, manually set priority based on outlet valve pressures: higher-pressure side supplies first while lower-pressure side serves as reserve.
Some notes are necessary: ensure smooth operation of outlet before performing steps 3-2 and 3-3; connect gas pipes carefully according to diagram, ensuring both cylinders are at zero pressure before opening high-pressure bottle valves and slowly adjusting them without exceeding output limit of 0.8 Mpa; follow manual adjustment guidelines for control valves: turn counter-clockwise for decrease in output pressure or clockwise increase in output pressure after locking with inner push.
This QH-3 type automatic switching device ensures continuous gas supply while maintaining accurate data records through its advanced technology design by Experimentation Equipment Company Limited.