Steffen Hartmann Recyclingtechnologien GmbH位于德国哈尔茨地区塔勒镇,专门开发和制造废水处理设备,包括真空蒸发器,采用了多款ifm带有IO-Link的智能传感器,确保其设备稳定运行。
客户的董事总经理Sascha Holthusen表示他们的蒸发器专为工业废水设计,能将用过的冷却乳化液分离成浓缩物和蒸馏水。蒸馏水纯度高,可再利用或安全排放,降低排放成本。
Steffen Hartmann Recyclingtechnologien的真空蒸发器
整个处理过程需要精准和实时的检测,这些检测包括压力、温度、液位、水质和泵振动。在ifm易福门传感器的大帮助下,其中ifm LMT 传感器可在不同高度下监测沸腾室内液位。
客户还选用了ifm LMT 液位传感器,其卫生设计使其具有很强耐受性,对于腐蚕性介质具有很强抗性的特点,使得它可以持续且可靠地进行液位检测。
02water quality measurement
SU Puresonic 流量计进一步增强了监测能力,它们专为测量纯净级(USP)级别或更高级别纯净水平而优化。此类流量计采用无组件管道结构以及不锈钢材质,以抵御可能侵蚀金属材料的一些极端条件,如超纯电解镍溶液等极端流体流动状态下的侵蚀作用。
06Digitalization and Cost Savings - IO-Link
图左:LDL101 电导率传感器监测化学品回收循环中的浓缩产品质量。
图右:所有这些如果M 传感者都通过网络连接到一个中央服务器,可以远程访问以分析数据并调整操作参数以实现最佳性能。这使得维护人员能够使用VPN远程访问植物,并诊断问题,以及读取诊断值来确定是否需要更换单个组件,而不是整个系统。
07Sensor Data Collection & Analysis:
The data collected by the sensors is transmitted to a central server for analysis. This allows maintenance personnel to remotely access the plant, diagnose problems, read diagnostic values to determine whether individual components need replacing rather than the entire system.
The use of ifm's sensors in conjunction with IO-Link technology has enabled Steffen Hartmann Recyclingtechnologies to achieve significant cost savings while improving process efficiency and reliability. The ability to monitor and control process parameters in real-time has allowed them to optimize their operations and reduce waste.
By leveraging these benefits, companies can make more informed decisions about their water management strategies and reduce their environmental impact. As the demand for sustainable practices continues to grow, innovative solutions like this will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of industrial water treatment.
Through its commitment to providing high-quality products that meet customer needs, ifm is helping businesses like Steffen Hartmann Recyclingtechnologies achieve success while minimizing their ecological footprint. By embracing digital technologies such as IO-Link, they are paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable future for all industries involved in water treatment processes.