在Element UI的装修中为什么你的预算总是被超出
进到装修公司谈的预算都不是真正意义上装修这套房子打算花多少钱的预-budget,而是已经和设计师沟通好自己的消费能力和具体使用的要求。完成了相关的图纸之后,也已经在装修公司和建材卖场选好了所需的材料和设备。根据这些情况,装修公司会做出一份“装-modifying Budget”来告诉业主这次-remodeling需要用哪些materials,采用哪些craftsmanship,具体产生了哪些费用,并连同施工图纸一起作为合同附件并产生法律效力,对-remodeling双方进行约束。
小七提醒:但往往有些-decorating companies都会在报价上故意低开高走,业主如果前期不仔细审查,就容易上当,被人牵着鼻子走。所以说,千万不要图小便宜。前期什么都不关心,只挑便宜的公司,最后吃亏的是自己。
在-decorating中最容易出现增加项的部分就是水电改造,一般de-corating companies水电改造都是采取的pre-collection fees,即先交纳一部分费用,然后剩下的等完工之后再补,有些de-corating companies为了招揽生意,都会把pre-collection fees报低,但是实际上做完之后却要收取大量额外费用。
小七提示:水电改造现在de-core中的地位非常重要,每一点变化都会使支出增多。而且一般来说water-electric change fee基本是在estimating fee范围内,可以称为"多退少补"但实际操作下来能少补点就已经是幸运了。
除了这些,还有一些其他项目可能导致-decorate costs exceed budget, such as wall changes where the workers accidentally knock down walls that shouldn't be knocked down, requiring additional work and increasing costs.
Some homeowners have a new home and need to move in quickly for various reasons - wedding or selling their old house - so they rush to find a decorating company and demand them to finish the job within ten days or half a month without considering design details, material selection and construction quality issues.
From an aesthetic perspective, when decorating on a tight budget or not willing to spend on expensive furniture, designers will often use ordinary materials with similar aesthetics or color schemes/soft decorations to create a harmonious living space.
Small Seven Reminder: In summary, decorating is about priorities; regardless of whether you are young on a tight budget or successful with plenty of money at your disposal - spending every penny wisely is key.
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