基于以上要求,不少整機制造商提出了智能風電場概念,通過風電場網絡可以遠程集中監控風機與風電場運行,並能即時對功率進行控制,因此充分發揮 風機自身 的潛力為 電網 提供有力的支持。滿足上述要求就需要高性能的 風場級 相應 的 工業自動化設備 和 快速 的 现场總線 。
《GB/T 19963-2011》中明確了wind turbine interface to the power system of wind farms技術要求:①wind farm has ability to control active and reactive power.②wind farm electric quality test, including flicker and harmonic.③low voltage ride through(LVRT) capability test; wind farm low voltage ride through verification.④voltage and frequency adaptive tests for wind turbines; wind farm voltage and frequency adaptive tests validation.
Based on these requirements, a new solution is proposed which utilizes EtherCAT technology for real-time communication between the SCADA system, the WTGs (Wind Turbine Generators), and other devices in the substation. This solution provides fast response times (<1 ms) for controlling the WTs during grid disturbances such as faults or changes in grid conditions.
The proposed solution consists of two parts: a local part that controls each WTG using an embedded industrial PC with TwinCAT software, and a remote part that monitors all WTGs from a central location using an SCADA system running on a separate server.
The local part uses EtherCAT technology to communicate with sensors and actuators in real-time, allowing it to respond quickly to changes in grid conditions or faults detected by sensors. The remote part uses standard TCP/IP communication protocol over Ethernet networks for monitoring purposes only.
In addition, this paper proposes a new method for measuring electrical quantities at each WTG site using high-speed data acquisition hardware connected via EtherCAT network. This method allows accurate measurement of electrical quantities at each WTG site while maintaining real-time communication with other devices in the substation.
Furthermore, this paper discusses how to implement LVRT functionality into existing WTs without major modifications by utilizing advanced control algorithms implemented on industrial PCs running TwinCAT software.
Finally, this paper presents simulation results demonstrating that our proposed solution can effectively improve fault ride-through capabilities of WTs under various fault scenarios.
In conclusion, our proposed solution offers several advantages compared to traditional solutions:
Fast response time (<1 ms)
Real-time communication between SCADA system & WTGs
High accuracy measurement of electrical quantities
Implementation LVRT functionality without major modification
These advantages make our proposed solution suitable for future smart grids where rapid response times are crucial.
[1] GB/T 19963-2011 Wind turbines - Part 2: Design requirements.
[2] Hau M., Shan M., "Real-Time Monitoring System For Wind Farms", Proceedings Of The IEEE International Conference On Industrial Technology (ICIT), pp.