二手化工原料回收网精选丝网波纹填料250AX 500BX 700CY12丝6 - 高品质再生选择节能

  • 科研动态
  • 2025年03月15日
  • 金属丝网波纹填料,作为全球广泛应用的高效填料,其独特之处在于由众多平行直列的金属波纹网片精心排列而成,呈现出圆盘状的结构。这种设计带来了显著的优势:比表面积巨大、孔隙率高达天际,而重量轻巧,使其在实际应用中表现出了极高的性能。 它具备气相通路倾角微小且规则,有助于降低压降;同时,径向扩散能力强,气体与填料之间接触充分,以至于每一次操作都能达到最佳效果。金属丝网波纹填料,不仅适用于各种复杂工艺流程

二手化工原料回收网精选丝网波纹填料250AX 500BX 700CY12丝6 - 高品质再生选择节能




型号 峰高 mm 比表面积m2/m3 堆积重度Kg/m3 倾斜角度 空隙率m3/m3 每板压力降Pa/n HETP /mm 理论板数m-1 F因子 m/s(Kg/m30.5) 分段高度 m

250(AX) 12 250 125 30° 95 10-40 100 2.5-3 - - -

500(BX) -6.5 -500 -250 -45° -90 -67 – – – -

700(CY) -4.5-700 -350 ——————0°——85——200----400/333---8-10------1.5-2-----------


Metallic mesh wave filler, as a high-efficiency filling material widely used in various countries around the world, its main advantages are:

• High theoretical plate number and large flow rate with low pressure drop.

• Good loading performance, with theoretical plates increasing as gas load decreases without significant low-loading limit.

• Large operation flexibility.

• Minimal amplification effect.

• Suitable for precise, large-scale, and high-vacuum distillation systems.

This type of filler provides favorable conditions for separating difficult-to-separate materials, heat-sensitive materials, and high-purity products.


The AX series is suitable for producing strong intensity and fewer theoretical plates in precise distillation;

the BX series is ideal for vacuum distillation of heat-sensitive or difficult-to-separate substances under pressures below approximately 7 kPa;

and the CY series is perfect for separating isotopic mixtures or homologous mixtures of different isotopes.
