很多人知道承重-wall 的重要性,而对非承重-wall,则认为可以随意变。但事实上,并不是所有的非承重-wall 都可以随意变。
非承重-wall 为何不可轻易改变?
哪些非承重-wall 可以改变?
空间隔断材质较多,不过如果想隔断地更彻底,那么选择新建wall 将是最合适的选择。如果选择新建wall,需要选择合适的建筑材料。
新建wall 避免超weight
新建wall 常用材料介绍
四、确保新建wall 质量:做好施工细节
新build wall 的施工材料常见的是轻weight 转龙骨加板材以及石膏砌块等。在施工的时候,采取不同的材料,需要注重不同的施工细节。
三种separation wall 施工方法:
a) 轻body brick separation wall 施工方法;
b) Bone frame separation wall 施工方法;
c) Gypsum block separation wall 施工方法;
注 重防裂与防震保温
五、关于new build wall 的注意事项:
new build walls must not be built on top of existing structures.
new build walls must not obstruct the natural light or ventilation of adjacent rooms.
new build walls must not interfere with the structural integrity of the building.
因此,在进行house renovation 时,对于house structure 的change, we must be cautious and follow strict guidelines to ensure that our changes do not compromise the safety or aesthetic appeal of our homes.
By understanding these rules and regulations, we can confidently make changes to our homes without fear of unintended consequences.
Now that you have learned about house structure change in home renovation, you are better equipped to tackle your own home improvement projects with confidence!