前言在今天,我们将通过十三个章节,50 个示例来全面探索ChatGPT在编程开发领域的巨大潜力。从初学者学习知识到面试准备,ChatGPT提供了几乎所有你需要的内容。不过要记住,尽管ChatGPT是一个强大的工具,但它并不能替代我们的知识和技能。使用者必须自己判断其输出的准确性和有效性。在享受它带来的便利同时,也要不断学习、提升自己的技能。
1.1 提示词:Generate a semantic and accessible HTML and CSS UI component consisting of [component parts]. The [component parts] should be [layout].
举例:Generate a semantic HTML and Tailwind CSS Contact Support form consisting of the users name, email, issue type, and message. The form elements should be stacked vertically and placed inside a card.
1.2 提示词:Write a JavaScript function that accepts [input] and returns [output].
举例:Write a JavaScript function that accepts a full name as input and returns avatar letters.
function getAvatarLetters(fullName) {
// 分割全名为名字和姓氏
const names = fullName.trim().split(' ');
let avatar = '';
// 遍历每个名字并将其第一个字符添加到头像中
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
avatar += names[i][0];
if (i < 2) {
avatar += ' ';
// 返回头像
return avatar;
1.3 提示词:Write an Express.js API to fetch the current user's profile information using MongoDB.
const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
// 连接到MongoDB数据库
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/myapp', { useNewUrlParser: true })
.then(() => console.log(MongoDB connected successfully))
.catch((err) => console.error(MongoDB connection failed: ${err}));
// 创建用户模型
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
password: String});
const User = mongoose.model(User, userSchema);
// 添加中间件
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// 定义路由
app.get('/api/profile', (req, res) => {
const userId = req.userId; // 假设已经通过身份验证获取到了当前用户ID
.then(user => {
if (!user) return res.status(404).send(User not found);
const userInfo = { name: user.name, email: user.email };
.catch(err => {
console.error(Failed to retrieve user info, err);
res.status(500).send("Failed to retrieve user info");
// 启动服务器
const port = process.env.PORT || process.env.NODE_PORT || process.env.PORT;
if (!port && !process.argv[2]) throw new Error("No port specified");
app.listen(port || parseInt(process.argv[2]), () =>
console.log(Server started on port ${port} or ${process.argv[2]})